You’re doing what?

Week 1, Day 1

Running a half-marathon? Seriously? But you hate running. In fact, weren’t you the person who went on strike during PE until the running warm-up was over? Doesn’t just the thought of activewear make you come out in a rash? Yes, yes, yes and not anymore!

Spurred on by my ultra-marathon running, ironman neighbour, (let’s call him Mr Motivator) I have decided to run a half marathon in May. For those who know me, this is absolutely crazy. CRAZY! But, I found a training plan ‘From couch to half marathon in 20 weeks’ and did my first training run this morning – in bright co-ordinated orange, with neon pink shoes – obviously. And what a view to run alongside.

Not a bad start to my training – Carrot Bay, Tortola, BVI

I think the title of the training plan was a little bit optimistic. I was expecting a gentle introduction to my training, but no. BAMM! I kicked off with 30 mins of 1 min walking followed by 2 min running. Not a walk in the park (or the beach). But there was a beautiful view and a beach brunch afterwards, so not completely soul destroying. Thank goodness for the bootcamp sessions I’ve been ploughing my way through for the last 3 months, so I didn’t feel completely broken by the end of it. Although as I type this at the end of the day, I am starting to feel a little stiff. So Day 1 is done. Very daunted by the prospect of 3 runs plus 2 bootcamps a week!


  1. Hi, this is a real comment. Well done! Woop woop! And I love the blog. Keep writing – and running. You are a great inspiration. Just waved the husband and children off to school/work. Better get out there for a run now. Keep it up!

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